- Recent Books: Short reviews of...
"Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth" by Mark Hertsgaard
"You Are Not a Gadget", by Jaron Lanier
"The Information", by James Gleick
"World Wide Mind", by Michael Choros
"The Net Delusion" , by Yevgeny Morozov
"Culture Change. Civil Liberty, Peak Oil, and the End of Empire" by Alexis Zeigler
- Who Will Build the Ark, by Mike Davis
- Seasick, by Alanna Mitchell
- In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, by Michael Pollan
- Collapse, by Jared Diamond - "...trace(s) the process of collapse in several ancient societies (including the Easter Islanders, the Maya, the Anasazi, and the Greenland Norse colony) and show parallels with trends in several modern nation". Review by Richard Heinberg in Energy Bulletin.
- Coming to Terms with Nature:Socialist Register 2007 Can capitalism come to terms with today's ecological challenges; and has Socialist thought developed sufficiently to be of use? Essay ollection edited by Leon Panitch and Colin Leys, Monthly Review Press.
- Earth Odyssey, by Mark Hertsgaard. Six-year global tour brings author face-to-face with world ecological crisis.
- An Enemy of Nature, Joel Kovel. "The current world capitalist system is unsustainable and unreformable". See review by SftP
- A People's History of Science, by Clifford Conner. The role played by working people in the development of science.
- Politics of nature: How to bring the sciences into democracy, Latour, B. (C. Porter, translator). 2004, Harvard University Press, MA. 236 pp See review by Tom Baugh.
- Priceless, On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing, F Ackerman & L. Heinzerling - "Cost-benefit analysis promotes a deregulatory agenda under the cover of scientific objectivity"
- The Republican War on Science, by Chris Mooney. Republican use of bad science to justify their political agenda. See review by Green Institute.
- Thieves in High Places, Jim Hightower ürges rebellion against every tentacle of the corporate-politico power grab".
- Peoples'Business: Controlling Corporations and Restoring Democracy., By Lee Drutman and Charlie Cray Berrett-Koehler San Francisco, 2004. "Examines the very nature of corporate power, presenting a range of strategies to curtail it, and explaining how ordinary people can restore citizen control.".See summary.